Kara & Drew

Saturday, June 28, 2025 • Wantagh, NY
106 Days To Go!

Kara & Drew

Saturday, June 28, 2025 • Wantagh, NY
106 Days To Go!

Our Story

Our Story

Picture of Our Story

On a particularly sunny afternoon in September 2015, a fresh batch of high school seniors filed in to their ninth-period Part In Government class. Seated directly across the room from each-other were Drew and Kara, who didn't realize just how much their lives would change after that day.

As the weeks went by, Drew would do everything he could to try and get Kara to notice him. Finally, on Friday the ninth of October 2015, he hatched the perfect plan and decided that ninth period that day would be the moment he'd put it into action. As the bell rang and dismissed the students for the day, he made his move and got right next to Kara walking down the steps. "Hey", he opened with. "I'm going out of town for the weekend and won't be in class on Monday. Do you think you could share your notes with me?". Kara replied, "Nobody will be in class Monday... it's Columbus Day".

Somehow, that miscalculation didn't impact anything, because the two would go on to text for a few weeks and eventually make plans for dinner at the Mediterranean Diner, followed by a movie. At 6pm Friday the twenty-third of October 2015, Kara arrived for their dinner plans right on time while Drew... fell asleep on the couch and missed the date entirely.

At this point, you're probably asking yourself why she kept giving him another chance after each miscalculation, and at that point Drew was wondering that too. But finally, on the thirteenth of November 2015, they met for dinner, saw a terrible Vin Diesel action movie, started dating, and now nine-plus years later are planning their wedding day.

"There's something unique about marrying the person I've been with since I was sixteen. While I've been told marriage is all about growing old together, I would make the argument that we've also grown UP together."

- Drew

From all of life's milestones like graduating High School together in 2016, celebrating Kara's completion of Cosmetology School in 2017 followed by Drew's earning of his Associates Degree in 2018, Kara earning hers in 2020 with both going on to earn Bachelors Degrees from Hofstra University, they've really been there for each other, cheering one another on through it all.

Drew and Kara's years together have been filled with countless adventures. From their earliest trips to places such as Hershey, Pennsylvania and Walt Disney World, to following their beloved Mets on the road in Colorado, Baltimore, Toronto, Boston and Philadelphia. Whisking through European countries like The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, and Ireland, or bouncing around the United Kingdom with stops in Wales, Scotland, and London. The culmination of all their travels occurred this past summer, when the two got engaged on the sunny beaches of Brighton, East Sussex.

Kara and Drew have shared in many unforgettable adventures together, and in the afternoon of June Twenty-Eighth 2025, they will embark on the greatest adventure of their lives together in getting married, and hope to get to celebrate the special day with you.